1964-1968 Received a BS from Southern Connecticut State College with a minor in Art Education.
1969 University of Rome. Summer study in Architecture & Art History
1972- 1976 Art Students League, NY. Began development in the academic painting skills of drawing, rendering and composition. Major teachers: Ray Everett Kinstler, David Leffel. Concentration on portraiture and study of the old masters.
1976-1978 National Academy of Design, NY. Teachers: Harvey Dinnerstein, Burton Silverman. Studies focused on illustration and painting.
1979 Introduced to Henry Hensche at the Cape Cod School of Art in Provincetown, who taught the Hawthorne-Impressionist theory of painting. This began the most influential course of study.
Impressionist theory is the use of color to express light and form. It is the ability to see the different colors in nature that occur because of changes in the time of day, the seasons or the weather. As visual awareness increases, the ability to capture the infinite variety of color changes and subtleties is developed.
AWARDS & RECOGNITION - Too many to list
2001 Featured Artist in On Equal Ground, Photographs from an Artists' Community by Norma Holt, A Catalog published by Provincetown Art Association and Museum, Including Photos and Essays of 100 artists
1998 Book: Painting the Impressionist Landscape is translated into Chinese and goes into its second printing.
Featured Artist, Invitational Exhibition, & contributing catalog writer: to Henry Hensche and his Legacy, Provincetown Art Association June 1998
1996 March 4, 1996 Invitation to the reception for the Art in Embassies Program, Benjamin Franklin Room, The White House. Received a Certificate of Appreciation & Letters of Recognition from Pres. Bill Clinton, Vice Pres. Albert Gore, and Secretary of State Warren Christopher
1995 July-August The Cape Cod School of Art, its legacy, past & present, is celebrated in the inaugural exhibition of its new gallery space at the Snow Library, Orleans, MA.
First Prize, Oil Category, Cape Cod Art Association, Annual Juried Winter Show
1993 First prize, Oil Category, Cape Cod Art Association, Annual Juried Summer Show
1992 Painting selected for cover, "Fiction 50", American Short Stories, by James H Pickering, MacMillan Publications
Featured artist, "Introduction to Provincetown," Promotional Video, distributed by Provincetown Chamber of Commerce, videographer, Tom Cole